Looking for information?
At Health Freedom Louisiana, we believe that you have a right to be informed. Here you will find important information on various topics, from exemptions to the legislative session, legal documents, and lawsuits. You can find all this and more here. Knowledge is power. When you know better, you can do better.
More Resources
Statement of Immunization Exemption
CDC Recommended Vaccines Flyer
LDH & Schools Omitting Information on Exemptions and Misleading Parents
22 Reasons Mandated COVID-19 Vaccines for Kids is a Bad Idea
Mask Studies – Masks Pose Health Risks and Are Not Effective at Protecting You from Covid-19
Herd Immunity & Vaccination – Can Vaccination Achieve Herd Immunity?
Lessons from the Lockdown June 17, 2020
Are Vaccines Safe? (flyer)
ICAN White Paper (The legal notice sent to the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services about their failure to conduct the required vaccine safety testing as mandated by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986.)
3.22.23 Letter from FDA RE: LDH Complaint Received and is under Review
3.21.23 Letter to LDH RE: Filing Formal Complaint to FDA
3.21.23 Letter to FDA RE: LDH Violating Terms of EUA
2.22.23 Letter to LDH RE: Notification of Violation of Terms of EUA
9.29.22 Letter to Congressmen RE: HHS Failed to Comply
9.13.22 Letter to Legislature RE: What will it take to get an oversight hearing?!
8.31.22 Letter to Legislature RE: Help Needed to Protect Louisiana Children
3.23.22 Public Records Request to LDH RE: Availability of Comirnaty and SpikeVax Covid Vaccines
3.19.22 Letter to House Health & Welfare Committee RE: Oppose HB424 Rep Chris Turner Pharmacy Bill
2.21.22 Letter to Brumley RE: Teacher Summit in New Orleans
1.21.22 Letter to Legislature RE: New Orleans COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Five & Older
12.17.21 Letter to Legislature RE: Shots for Santa
12.16.21 LDH Letter to Superintendent Approving Covid Vaccine for 86 NOLA Schools
12.6.21 Letter to Legislature RE: Twenty-Two Reasons Mandated COVID-19 Shots for Kids is a Bad Idea
12.4.21 Letter to LDH RE: VAERS Follow-Up
11.23.21 Letter from Representatives to LDH RE: Proposed Rule to Require COVID-19 Vaccine for School
11.12.21 Letter to LDH RE: Misleading Messaging to Parents about COVID-19 Vaccine for 5-11 Year Olds
11.4.21 Letter to Superintendents RE: COVID-19 Vaccine Communication from Schools to Parents
Draft Letter to Schools and Clinical Sites Violating RS 17:170
5.13.21 Letter from LDH to Louisiana COVID-19 Vaccination Providers
5.5.21 Letter to Governor Edwards RE: Mask mandate violates federal law
3.7.21 Letter to LDH RE: Concerns of Underreporting of Covid Vaccine Adverse Events
7.30.20 Addendum to Letter Dated 7.9.20 to BESE
Bill Sheet
2023 Session
Bill Sheet
2022 Session
Bill Sheet
2021 Session
Bill Sheet
2020 Session
Bill Sheet
Physicians for Informed Consent (PIC) has great information as well. Currently, they have flyers on the measles vaccine and the measles disease that are available for downloading/printing.
The concept of herd immunity and how it can not be achieved with vaccines (a presentation by Dr. Suzanne Humphries.) provides detailed, science-based, and objective information about the dangers of vaccines. An absolute wealth of information here!
Dr. Chris Shaw on dietary aluminum vs. injectable aluminum in vaccines
Dr. Chris Shaw on aluminum in the body
Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations
Mechanisms of aluminum adjuvant toxicity and autoimmunity in pediatric populations
Anaphylactic Food Allergy: The Role Of Adjuvants And Injection provides detailed, science-based and objective information about the dangers of vaccines. An absolute wealth of information here! provides detailed, science-based and objective information about the dangers of vaccines. An absolute wealth of information here!
Congressional hearing on autism research and the CDCHouse Government Reform Committee questions Colleen Boyle, Director of CDC
House Government Reform Committee, Rep. Bill Posey questions Colleen Boyle, Director of CDC
House Government Reform Committee, Dr. Baskin’s Testimony
Julie Gerberding, Director of the CDC, explains how vaccines can trigger autism
Sorting out the spinning of autism: heavy metals and the question of incidence
If you’re pro-life, you can’t be pro-vaccine (presentation by Marcella Piper-Terry, M.S.).
Lozier Institute:
Resources from Children of God for Life:
Abortion-Tainted Vaccines for US and Canada and Ethical Alternatives:
Most Common Fetal Cell Lines and Their Uses (Chronologically Ordered):
Opinion: It’s time to get beyond vaccines:
Resources from
Resources from A Voice for Truth:
Abortion, the Human Fetal Cell Industry & Vaccines:
Dr. Theresa Deisher:
Stanley Plotkin Deposition:
The Gospel Coalition & Vaccines: A Response to Joe Carter:
Vaccines & Aborted Babies: Should Christians be Concerned? Part 1:
Are Vaccines What Saved Us from Epidemics of Infectious Disease? Part 2:
Is the US Vaccination Program Safe? Part 3:
What About Herd Immunity Part 4:
Are Vaccine Skeptics Conspiracy Theorists? Part 5:
Immunized Against Effective Prayer:
Scripture Verses:
Beyond aborted fetal cells, why do parents and physicians object to vaccination:
Dr. Alvin Moss: