Flyers & References
Vaccine information flyers for your convenience.
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References Listed on Flyers
A. Did You Know Flyer
- Vaccine manufacturers pressured Congress to pass NCVIA because they were facing countless lawsuits over the DTP vaccine.
- The number of vaccines given from pregnancy to 18 years has multiplied almost four times, from 24 doses of 7 vaccines for 7 diseases in 1983 to now 81 doses of 15 vaccines for 18 diseases.
- Pediatric vaccine safety trials do not use a saline/inert placebo. p. 3
- Key elements of the entire vaccine schedule—the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at administration of vaccines—have never been studied.
The Institute of Medicine’s 2013 Report – The Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety: Stakeholder Concerns, Scientific Evidence, and Future Studies p. 11 Conclusions About Scientific Findings - There are ZERO long-term safety studies for pediatric vaccines. p. 19
- The U.S. has the highest infant mortality among comparable wealthy nations.
- 54% of U.S. children have a chronic illness and/or developmental disability
- A national and state profile of leading health problems and health care quality for US children: key insurance disparities and across-state variations
- CDC: 1 in 6 U.S. children have a developmental disability
- A study published in the Journal of Pediatrics: Trends in the Prevalence of Developmental Disabilities in US Children, 1997–2008
- HHS admits it has not conducted any safety testing, even though it was required by the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986
- National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Data Report Updated January 1, 2025 p. 9
- Ingredients in vaccines
- More than 85 babies from elective abortions have been used in the manufacturing of vaccines.
- Dr. Stanley Plotkin, while under oath, testified to using 76 aborted fetuses in just ONE study—all of the fetuses were 3 months or older and normally developed when aborted
- Other vaccines that are made using aborted fetal cells
- Walvax-2 human cell line derived from lung tissue of an aborted 3-month-old female fetus—it took 9 aborted fetuses to develop
- WI-38 human cell line developed from lung tissue of an aborted 3-month female fetus
- MRC-5 human cell line developed from lung tissue of an aborted 14-week male fetus
- Walvax-2, the newest human cell line developed for vaccine production
- Louisiana vaccine exemption law: Revised Statute 17:170 Section E
- New research published in the past three years provides scientific proof and an undeniable clear picture of how vaccines can cause autism.
- Dr. Andrew Zimmerman’s affidavit on the link between vaccines and autism that the U.S. government covered up.
B. Are Vaccines Safe? Flyer/Posterboard
- Pediatric vaccine safety trials do not use a saline/inert placebo. p. 3
- There are ZERO long-term safety studies for pediatric vaccines. p. 19
- “This article acknowledges that aluminum adjuvants in vaccines have also been linked to several different [autoimmune] condition . . . Clinical manifestations of some of these reactions can take months or years to develop, which is much longer than the time intervals utilized in vaccine safety studies.” Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) 2013: Unveiling the pathogenic, clinical and diagnostic aspects, published in the Journal of Autoimmunity.
- On all vaccine package inserts it states “has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or potential to impair fertility”. This can be found under the section titled Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility.
- The 80+ ingredients in vaccines have never been tested for synergistic toxicity or their individual impact on the immune system.
- In the study, “Spontaneous Integration of Human DNA Fragments into Host Genome”, it is discovered that DNA contaminants in vaccines can integrate into children’s genes.
- The safety of combining vaccines or the effects of receiving the entire vaccine schedule has never been studied.
In Childhood Immunization Schedule and Safety, published by the Institute of Medicine, they write: “No studies have compared the differences in health outcomes that some stakeholders questioned between entirely unimmunized populations of children and fully immunized children. Experts who addressed the committee pointed not to a body of evidence that had been overlooked but rather to the fact that existing research has not been designed to test the entire immunization schedule . . . Studies designed to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted.” Summary: Health Outcomes (p. 5-6)
Key elements of the entire schedule—the number, frequency, timing, order, and age at administration of vaccines—have not been systematically examined in research studies.” Conclusions About Scientific Findings (p. 11) - A 2018 lawsuit revealed that the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has not met its vaccine safety obligations as required by the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act.
- Over $4 BILLION has been paid out by VICP since its inception: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) Data Report Updated April 1, 2024 p. 9
- The study Electronic Support for Public Health–Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, funded by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services and conducted by Harvard, found that vaccine adverse events are common, yet fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.
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