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Senate Vote Results for HB176 & HB74

The Senate voted on HB176 & HB74!


HB176 by Representative Leger changed the age for receiving the required meningitis booster to 16 years old. It did not affect exemptions.

HB74 by Representative Davis requires schools to provide information about the flu and the flu vaccine. It does not require students to get the flu shot.

Fiorella Trapani and Ashley Houston, Co-Directors of HFL, were able to go to the Capitol on Wednesday, April 18 to testify for both bills in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee Hearing. You can see their testimonies here.
HB176 begins at 23:08 with their testimony at 38:40 – 56:16
HB74 begins at 1:40:20 with their testimony at 1:45:25 – 1:54:25

The Good

Please consider expressing your appreciation and thanks to these legislators who helped us get a good amendment passed for HB176. You can click on each of their names which will bring you to their legislative webpage with their contact information, or you can click here where we compiled all their information into one document for easy reference.

The Bad

The Verdict

Overall, we’re calling this a WIN! The amendment to HB176 states: “Any written communication issued to students pursuant to this Section shall include notice that the student’s parent, tutor, or legal guardian may be exempt from compliance with this Section under the conditions set forth in Subsection (B) of this Section.” That means that whenever schools or anyone send out information about the required meningitis booster, they have to also include the right of the parents to opt out!

Of course we’re not happy that HB74 passed. But that didn’t require the flu shot, it requires schools to pass out information (albeit biased) on the flu shot. Not ideal, but the bigger issue really was HB176. And we won that! So we’re going to celebrate our win and continue to work on becoming a stronger voice for informed consent and parental rights!

Looking to the Future

This is just the start! One of the next things we need to do is to have the same amendment for the other section(s) of law that deal with immunization requirements. We know that schools are consistently and purposefully misleading parents and denying exemptions. Compelling them to state parents’ rights to be exempt from the immunization requirement on the notice will hopefully solve the problem and hold the schools accountable to comply with the law.

But we can’t do it without your help! We need everyone to:

A HUGE THANKS to our Regional Leaders and everyone else that stepped up and helped us with these two bills AND our Rotunda Day event this past Monday, April 30 (post coming soon!)!!!

Fiorella Trapani and Ashley Houston, Co-Directors of HFL, at the Capitol to testify in the Senate Health & Welfare Committee Hearing for HB176 & HB74

Watch the Bills Being Heard in the Senate

Below is the broadcast archive of the two bills (and their amendments) being discussed and voted on the Senate floor.

Scroll to 2:41 for HB74 (flu shot flyer) and to 2:57 for HB176 (meningitis booster). Senator Claitor speaking up in defense of us can be seen at 3:00.

Follow Us! 

You can also check out our video below which was posted on our public facebook page and explains what happened:

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